Products & Services

Direct Destructive
This is one piece economical model, on Coulometric principles, on destructive bases for measuring thickness of plating like Brass, Cadmium, Chromium, Copper, Gold, Lead, Nickel, Silver, Tin, Zinc & Alloy plating on ferrous , Non Ferrous and Non Metals bases. This Digital unit can be used for determination of thickness of almost all Combinations of Standard Plating or Metallic Coating on Magnetic base like Mild Steel, Nickle, Cobalt, S.S. etc. Non Magnetic Base like Aluminium, Brass, Cadmium, Chromium, Copper, Silver, Tin etc. Also available micro processor tester with printer facility.
MEASUREMENT RANGE : 0 to 99.9 Micron.
ACCURACY : ± 2 %
READABILITY : 0.1 Microns
AREA OF DEPLATING : Min. 1.5 mm dia.
ELECTROLYTE REQUIRED : Approx. 2 cc / test.
POWER : 1ph, 230 V, AC.

Direct Digital Model
M Model :
Electromagnetic for Non-magnetic on magnetic base, Range 1250µ 1.5% accuracy.
C Model :
Eddy current principle for lower conductivity coating on higher conductivity base, Range 1250µ 1.5% accuracy. Also for anodising thickness
A combined unit with M & C separate probes 1.5% accuracy. Also Available on Non-Destructive DIGITAL MICROMETER having resolution 0.001 mm or 0.0001” upto 3” dia round or flat jobs on simple battery operation.
Also available “TOPCOAT THICKNESS STANDARDS” of "KOCOUR" make for coatings like Grass, cadmium, chromium, copper, gold, Lead, nickel, EN, silver, tin, solder & zinc on substrates like Al., brass, Cu., M.S. & tin.